Critical Signs Your Company Needs CRM in 2021

Traffic Jam Events
Traffic Jam Events™
2 min readMar 19, 2021


In the 21st century, customer relationship management is an indispensable aspect to spike every company’s operations. Recently, the application of CRM has been staggering unprecedented growth, and, in 2020, it was no different as its overall usage in companies spiked from 56 to 74 percent. So, it doesn’t matter the sector or the company’s size; CRM is a vital tool to empower first-class customer experience while giving a company a competitive edge driving to high revenues.

If it’s the first time to use CRM in a company, the management might wonder whether this program makes sense, how it will affect service workflow and how long it will take to see returns. While weighing down the pros and cons of CRM, here are four warning indicators that a company needs to invest in CRM.

Low Productivity

Efficiency is a crucial aspect in any company irrespective of sector and size as it determines overall performance in implementing plans with a minor expenditure and resources. However, in the current era we are in, this is not possible with paper approvals and spreadsheets, which consume a considerable amount of time. However, there is a better way of doing things through CRM, which replaces manual processes by automating repetitive tasks and data and bringing team communication together through a shared interface.

Limited Accountability Among Sales Persons

Sometimes sales associates in a company shy away from taking responsibility for a lost customer opportunity. Suppose these instances are rampant in the company. In that case, CRM is the best option to deploy since it acts as a centralized database in providing precise data on every leads and customer interaction made. Through CRM, it’s easier to get a clear picture of who, where, and when a salesperson fell short on taking care of a client.

Poor Data Analysis

In a company, manual data can spell disaster when it comes to the accuracy of information. A company might think they know everything about their clients to serve, but they have fewer data to access, implying they know less about them. However, with CRM, it’s easy to understand customers through built-in data analysis and reposting. With CRM, it’s easy to get insight into demographics, shopping habits, specific preferences, and clients’ communication methods.

Utilizing CRM into company operations is an unsurpassed opportunity to improve customer experience and interactions, increase productivity and streamline the interactions between departments.

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Traffic Jam Events
Traffic Jam Events™

Traffic Jam Events is a direct-response marketing company based in New Orleans, and a reach that extends across the us. Learn more at